Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Smart Phone Tetrad

                Smart Phone Technology

·       Communication
·       Storing Information
·       Music
·       Portability
·       Syncs Calendar Events/Organization
·       Letter Writing
·       Land line
·       Palm Pilot
·       Face-to-face communication
·       Notes in memo pad
·       Programming Apps for personal interests
·       Communication
·       Accessibility
Sets the Stage:
·       Skype
·       Holographic communication
·       Collaborative work using real time collaboration using Cloud applications such as Sky Drive, Google Drive and Apple Cloud.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Emerging Technology

Interactive white boards (smart boards) are an innovative technology that has emerged over the past few years.  An interactive whiteboard (IWB) is a large interactive display that connects to a computer and projector.  A projector projects the computer's desktop onto the board's surface where users control the computer using a pen, finger, stylus, or other device (Wikipedia, 2012). 

Interactive whiteboards are invaluable resources that promote student engagement allowing students to actively participate in their learning experience.  Likewise, IWB allow educators to accommodate various learning styles.  The large screen makes it viewable by an entire classroom while the touch screen allows students a “hands on” learning experience.

One challenge in getting teachers to eagerly adopt the idea of using smart boards is lack of training.  Often times, due to budget cuts, teachers are given new resources, but are not properly trained on how to use it effectively; thus they are reluctant to use it, because they’re not convinced that it will make their job easier.


Wikipedia (2012).  Retrieved from

Promethean Planet Retrieved from

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